If you travel some 200 km from Delhi towards Amristsar by train or bus, you reach Rajpura soon after crossing the cantonment town of Ambala. With characteristic hustles and bustles of shops and bazaars, the township is remarkable for...
Society at all levels need to be sensitized about the importance of sanitation workers and their contribution to the society. Manual cleaning system should be rapidly removed by mechanized system of cleaning. Till the time manual scavenging is employed...
Roma, Romani or gypsies, as they are snidely referred to, are the people of Indo-Aryan group who migrated from north west India to Europe and America several centuries ago. Many of them have remained travelers or wanderers and are...
This is the second article in “What Bihar Needs” Series. In this article the author focuses on the imperative of entrepreneurship development for economic growth and prosperity of Bihar. ‘’The principle goal of education should be creating men and women...
’’Can relate more with Pakistanis than with people in Tamil Nadu’’ said Navjot Singh Sidhu, a former cricketer and currently a cabinet minister in the India State of Punjab recently after having received a warm welcome in Pakistan during...
The Indian state of Bihar is historically and culturally very rich however does not stand so well on economic prosperity and social well being. The author traces origin of the economic backwardness of Bihar to its value system and...


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